Soy cocinero y pastelero entre otras cosas y considero que no hay nada mejor que un buen sabor en el paladar, un sabor que no se olvida facilmente, que perdure con el tiempo y que incite a repetir. Se muy bien lo que digo, en mi casa siemrpe se repite de todo, y mis platos no tienes comparacion , si alguien quiere alguna receta , escribidme en los comentarios con vuestro msn y mandare la receta. Buen provecho!!!
I cook and baker among other things and I think that there is nothing better than a good taste on the palate, a taste that is not easily forgotten, that endure over time and that encourages repeat.If someone wants a recipe, write to me in the comment box , give your e-mail and i will send you the recipe. Bon appetit!
I cook and baker among other things and I think that there is nothing better than a good taste on the palate, a taste that is not easily forgotten, that endure over time and that encourages repeat.If someone wants a recipe, write to me in the comment box , give your e-mail and i will send you the recipe. Bon appetit!
Caramel Cake
(Pastel Caramelo)
Baked Mushrooms with Cheese
(Setas al horno con Queso)
French Crepes
Wasp Nests
(Nidos de Avispa)
(Nidos de Avispa)
Angel Trumpets
(Trompetas de Angel)
Cheese and cabagge bread with sesame